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Paris of Africa

#ivorycoast #abidjan #indianinafrica #import #export #businessinafrika

Ivory Coast also known as Cote d’Ivoire, officially the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire, is a country on the southern coast of West Africa. It has a relatively high per capita income and plays a key role in transit trade for neighbouring land locked countries.

Ivory Coast covers an area of 322463 square kilometres. It has a diverse landscape with fertile agricultural land.

Ivory Coast is the largest exporter of cocoa beans in the world and the fourth largest exporter of general goods in sub-Saharan Africa.

Capital- Yamoussoukro

Famous Market- Marche de Treichville

Historical Place-St. Pauls Cathedral

Independence Day- 7th August 1960

Currency- West African Franc (CFA)

Bank- Bridge Bank Group

Port- Port of Abidjan

Citizen- Ivorian

Airport- Abidjan International Airport


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